Global Activity

Corporate Information

Company name Canon Medical Systems Corporation
Founded 1930 (October)
Incorporation 1948 (October)
President Toshio Takiguchi
Headquarters 1385 Shimoishigami, Otawara-shi, Tochigi 324-8550, Japan
Tel : 0287-26-6200

Map (PDF:172KB)

Kawasaki Office
70-1, Yanagi-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-Shi, Kanagawa 212-0015, Japan
Tel: 044-520-2110

Shimomaruko Office
3-30-2, Shimomaruko, Ota-ku, Tokyo 146-0092, Japan
Tel: 03-5482-8040
Capitalization 20.7 billion yen
Scope of business Development, manufacture, sale and technical services for medical equipment (including diagnostic X-ray systems, medical X-ray CT systems, magnetic resonance imaging systems, diagnostic ultrasound systems, radiation therapy systems, diagnostic nuclear medicine systems, medical sample testing equipment, and information systems for medical equipment)
Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile
Company Philosophy and Guiding Principles
President's Message
Research and Development
Sales and Support
Healthcare IT Solutions
Major Products
Corporate History
Corporate Social Responsibility
Global Network・Business Overview

Canon Medical Systems Group

Japan Okinawa Canon Medical Systems Co., Ltd.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment
Canon Medical Finance Co., Ltd.
Lease of medical equipment, and personal property loans and installment sales for medical equipment
ACTmed Co., Ltd.
Clinical Sequence (comprehensive cancer genomic profiling test)
Canon MEDTech Supply Corporation
Sale of medical device supplies and consumables, medical diagnostic reagents, and veterinary diagnostic devices
Canon Medical Diagnostics Corporation
Development, manufacture, and sales of in vitro diagnostic reagents and automated clinical chemistry analyzers
Worldwide Canon Medical Systems USA, Inc.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in the USA
Canon Medical Research USA, Inc.
Research and development of advanced hardware, etc. for medical equipment
Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Europe
Canon Medical Research Europe, Ltd.
Research and development of clinical application software, etc. for medical equipment
Canon Medical Systems Do Brasil Ltda.
Manufacture, sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Brazil
Canon Medical Systems Asia Pte. Ltd.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Southeast Asia
Canon Medical Systems Canada Limited
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Canada
Canon Medical Systems ANZ Pty. Limited
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Australia and New Zealand
Canon Medical Systems (China) Co., Ltd.
Development, sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in China
Canon Medical Systems Hong Kong Ltd.
sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Hong Kong
Canon Medical Systems R&D (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Research and development of medical equipment in China
Canon Medical Equipment (Dalian) Co., Ltd.
Manufacture of medical equipment in China
Canon Medical Informatics, Inc.
Development and sales of advanced visualization software for medical equipment
Canon Medical Systems Turkey A.S.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Turkey
Canon Medical Systems Korea Co., Ltd.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Korea
Canon Medical Systems Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Malaysia
Canon Medical Systems Argentina S.A.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in Argentina
Canon Medical Systems India Pvt., Ltd.
Sales, installation, repair, and maintenance of medical equipment in India
Olea Medical SA
Development and sales of advanced visualization software for medical equipment
Skope Magnetic Resonance Technologies AG
Development and sales of magnetic field monitoring systems and image reconstruction software for MRI.
Fysicon B.V.
Development, manufacturing, sales of Healthcare IT products
Design, development and manufacture of X-ray diagnostic equipment
Canon Medical Diagnostics USA
Development, manufacture, and sales of in vitro diagnostic reagents
Development, manufacture, and sales of automated clinical chemistry analyzers

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