Expert Interviews

Altivity is our bold new approach to AI innovation that uses smart technologies to make a whole new level of quality, insight and value across the entire care pathway possible.
Prof. Mathias Prokop of Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands shares his perspective on a range of topics related to AI including, how to address the challenge of financing AI and how AI has the potential to help radiology professionals now and in the future.

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Hear from Prof. Mickaël Ohana of France’s Strasbourg University Hospital as he talks about topics ranging from what impresses him most about Precise IQ Engine (PIQE) to his expectation for AI in the future.

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Dr. Zhou Yu, Director of CT R&D at Canon Medical Research USA, explains how Precise IQ Engine (PIQE) helps to overcome cardiac imaging challenges in CT and why AI development are so important to Canon Medical.

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Dr. Jan Veryser of Open MRI Zen in the Netherlands explains how Altivity helps him improve efficiency among other critical AI topics such as, what the benefit to the patient when using Deep Learning Reconstruction (DLR) is.

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